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Tuesday, May 29, 2012

The Good . . .

I may have said this before -- it's hard to keep track of all my pithy wittiness -- but I have been tempted, if not for the nausea-inducing self-actualizedness of it, to change my Facebook relationship status to "In a Relationship . .  . With Myself."

While this sounds like something you would hear either from that quirky side-kick in a RomCom who has been in therapy for decades, or a hippy chick who is in love with everything, it does actually represent my current status fairly accurately.

Oh, but don't cry for me Argentina! I have moments of loneliness and boredom, but I would have that in a relationship with an additional human being anyway, and I am kind of digging where I am. It really isn't over-compensation or a PollyAnna outlook for a pathetic situation. It's also not a badge of honor I am wearing like a militant Independent Woman. It just is. I am content with my life as is at the moment and I love my job and really want to put all my effort into taking my career to the next level. Also, the West is calling to me so very loudly and I am focused on getting there soon. And, in the mean time, I have some really fun projects with some truly amazing friends to keep me busy.

This doesn't mean I am not open to possibilities. It just means I am not lamenting my singleness. I honestly am just enjoying what I've got and waiting to see what is in store. The only thing about my situation that I would change at this point in time is I would like to have this life in LA.

I have been told that love finds you when you least expect it, when you aren't looking for it. I don't know if that's true.What I do know is you can't fake the "peace" or the "resignation" or "disinterest" hoping to force that little adage to manifest. (Believe me, I and several others I know have tried.) Maybe it does happen that way. Or maybe you are so not looking for it that you are oblivious when it strolls past.

Either way, I am at this place: You know when you go out to dinner and you've had a lovely meal and your server comes by and commits that criminal act of offering dessert and you think, Well, I could have dessert. I'm not completely satiated, but if I eat a whole serving of something I will be over-full. Maybe I could split something, or just have coffee. Yeah, I am not sure I want to pass on it altogether, but maybe just "coffee" is what I can do. I definitely don't have room on my plate for anything big.

At any rate. Here's the Good: My job is good. My friends are good. My family is good. My outlook is good. Anything else that is added to that mix is also going to have to be good for me or it doesn't get to be there. Why muck up a good thing with something superfluous if you don't have to have it. Keep it simple until it can't be. Kinda like taking a good cup of coffee and complicating it with the creamer and sugar and flavors and on and on. Hmm, did I go too far with the metaphor?

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