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Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Spring has Schwung

With Valentine's Day safely behind us we are now moving into that gloriously miserable time of year called SPRING! We see the signs of rebirth, regeneration, rejuvenation and it makes us . . . well, horny.

I apologize if I've offended any delicate sensibilities with my candor. But, really, come on people, let's call a spade a spade. The pollen doesn't just inflame our mucous membranes. There is a reason we often use "the birds and the bees" as a euphemism for sex. They are more active in the spring, and we are too. We get frisky after being hunkered down and dormant for those long, cold winter months. We finally have energy again and it is so very exciting. We shed the layers of clothing and drudgery. And guess what happens?! We start looking to mate.

Now, that's all well and good. In fact, it's natural. It's nature doing what nature does best. Who can argue with that? The trouble is, for those of us who are single, it marks the passage of another season gone without that special someone and heightens the pressure to make it happen soon. It's almost more intense than the pressure we feel to get the beach body ready for summer. Afterall, who wants to face another season of parties, bbq's, festivities, and such without a little summer lovin'?

The important thing to remember is that this time, when everything is in bloom, can yield fields of folly, bouquets of buffoonery, and nosegays of nonsense if you let the urgency you feel take over your common sense. You can use the energy of this time to blossom personally and till the earth of your potential. Get reacquainted with you and what you really have to offer someone. It's amazing what appeal a self-aware and confident persona has for those bees out there looking to do a little "pollinating."

Summer will be here soon enough and it will bring all kinds of carefree fun in the sun, and a fair amount of blisteringly brutal heat. Watch the buds emerge and enjoy discovering what comes to the surface. Let nature take it's course.

Spring isn't a time of desperation and anxiety. It embodies all the hope and potential of the universe. Take that and run with it through the meadows of daisies and other wild flowers.

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