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Thursday, May 5, 2011


Well, friends, I've been a little absent because I started a new job a few days ago. Not just any job, mind you. It's turning into my dream job! I honestly can't imagine how this came together to be so very perfect for me. Well, actually, I can imagine. In fact, I know exactly why my stars are aligning.

I could say it's because I've suffered enough, or that I've accumulated enough good karma to pay off my bad karma and create a bit of a credit with the universe. Yeah, yeah, blah, blah, blah. The truth is I worked for it. I busted my ass to get here. I did everything I was supposed to do and waited for the scales to tip in my favor again. That's not to say that there wasn't some divine intervention. I definitely believe that was a contributing factor, but that only gets you so far. It is important to recognize that to realize your dreams, to have everything you want and then some, it requires work. Hard work. Lots of it. If you study and hone your craft, you will be ready and equipped when that unimaginable opportunity presents itself. When you are prepared, you get to show up and impress the pants off of those who need impressing.

The same is true with relationships. Your dream man/woman might be out there, but if you aren't ready to meet them when you cross paths, it won't matter that you might be made for each other. You have to do the work. You have to be healthy in mind, body, and spirit if you hope to be successful in being with another person. Everyone has baggage. Everyone has quirks, and some of that just has to be accepted as part of the package.

But you still need to deal with the issues that have become patterns for your failures. Look at what you want to change, determine if it's important to change it (nose jobs and liposuction do not fall in this category), and do the work to get where you feel you are the best version of yourself you can be.

You'll know when you are there, and then you can walk into a room with confidence, knowing you've brought your A-game. In business, the most successful people are those who can marry a little over-the-top self-confidence with just enough know-how to back it up. Those who are most successful in attracting quality people are those who know who they are and are just enamored enough with that to convince others there aren't any flaws.

Living a charmed life seems, from the outside, to be all about luck. Either you're blessed with good looks, privilege, or a magnetic personality. There are some who get by on those fortunes. But for those who really make something special happen for themselves, you'll find they took whatever gifts were bestowed on them and worked at it to go the distance.

We'd all like to think that there is some magic way to make things fall in our laps. The thing is you still have to lift more than a finger to wave a magic wand.

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