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Monday, April 25, 2011

Super-Size Me!

I am a big advocate for changing our food system. I support in every way I can the movement toward getting our food from local and sustainable sources. It is an issue that has been gaining a lot of attention thanks to Jamie Oliver, and I hope it will see nationwide success. (And, I hope, through the efforts of my friend Jeremy Barlow, who happens to run his restaurant that way and is writing a book on the subject now.) The thing is, there is an obesity epidemic in this country and there are other contributing factors. For one, we are really lazy and don't get an appropriate amount of activity.

But, an even more significant component (which isn't being addressed) is our issues with portion control, and there are two main factors here: 1) Gluttony - we have the misconception that to get our money's worth, we must be provided a platter of food that has three times more than a human should consume in a day, much less one meal. 2) Chewing - I have been observing a lot of people for some time and have come to realize no one actually chews their food anymore. We pop open the flip-top and dump it down our throats.

There are a number of things that would happen if we could just change this one practice. First, we would actually taste our food. Imagine that! When that happens, we are satiated much sooner and have less tendency to over-eat. It also allows us to actually break down the food we consume and get the vital nutrients from it. Swallowing our food whole prevents us from enjoying it or benefiting from it.

So, now you're probably wondering what all of this has to do with relationship advice. Well . . . nothing. This has become the proverbial fly in my ointment and I wanted to blog about it. I suppose if you need something to justify this rant being here . . . Your health matters! Your vitality, vim, and vigor have an impact on the enjoyment of your lives. It is important to do everything you can to ensure this is a well-oiled machine. Those who care about you want to see that you are around for a long time.

The only things that should be "Biggie" sized are your heart (not the actual organ, mind you), your personality, and your awareness of what you mean to others and what they mean to you. We could all stand to scale back our consumption of everything but love and laughter. (Yes, I went a little hippie on you there.)

I know I hijacked this post to preach a little. Well, to preach a little off-topic. But, it seemed important. So, just slow down and savor your food. Heck! Savor every part of life. You'll thank me for it later.

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